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Instituto Cajal

Se trata del centro de investigación neurobiológica más antiguo de España. Tiene su origen en el Laboratorio de Investigaciones Biológicas, fundado en 1900 por orden del Rey Alfonso XIII con motivo de la concesión del Premio Moscú a Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1852-1934).

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Virtual Symposium '100 years of the Cajal Institute. Leading the Future of Neuroscience'

Virtual Symposium. '100 years of the Cajal Institute. Leading the Future of Neuroscience'

VIRTUAL SYMPOSIUM. '100 years of the Cajal Institute Leading the Future of Neuroscience'.
 Save the date and join us in this special event! 
11th Nov 2020.
Book now at!

SIMPOSIO VIRTUAL. '100 años del Instituto Cajal Liderando el futuro de la Neurociencia'. 
¡Participa en esta celebracion tan especial! 
11 de noviembre de 2020.¡Contacta con y reserva tu plaza!

Complete symposium information

You can download the complete information about the symposium at this link: Symposium Information

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Información completa sobre el simposio

Puedes descargar la información completa sobre el simposio desde este enlace: Información del Simposio

Para cualquier duda o ampliación de información, no dudes en contactarnos.

Organizers | Organizadores

Instituto Cajal
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Virtual poster session: 100 years of the Cajal Institute Leading the future of Neuroscience

'100 years of the Cajal Institute Leading the future of Neuroscience'. Virtual poster session. November 12th 2020
'100 years of the Cajal Institute Leading the future of Neuroscience'. Virtual poster session. November 12th 2020

We would like to celebrate the century of the Instituto Cajal with PhD students and Postdoctoral fellows in a Virtual Poster Session as you will be leading the future of Neuroscience!

This Virtual Poster Session offers a Virtual Poster Gallery as well as Live Presentation sessions. Attendees will be able to go to the Virtual Poster Gallery where the posters will be listed and will have access to PDF versions of the posters, and may be provided with an additional recorded video presentation of their work. In Live Presentation sessions authors will briefly present their poster and attendees will have the chance to ask questions and/or exchange ideas and suggestions.

You can visit the event's website to see the virtual gallery and to consult the presentation schedules of the works, which will be broadcast in streaming, at the following link: 

Instructions to prepare and submit your poster online (Deadline closed)

Please find below instructions to prepare and submit your poster online: 

  1. The poster file must be one-page, PDF format, with the page set up 90 x 120 cm, portrait. If you would like to provide additional context for your poster, you are invited to send a video walkthrough of the material to help provide background and guide viewers through your work (.mp4 file). The video file is optional. The only requirement for presenting your poster is to send a PDF of the poster.
  2. Send your poster file/s to before October 31st, 2020. Please include the following information in your message: title, authors, keywords (max 5), poster presenter name and email.
  3. You will receive a confirmation e-mail. You will also be able to check and visualize the posters submitted at the Virtual Poster Gallery prior to the Live Presentation sessions.
  4. Live presentation sessions will take place on November 12th 2020. Poster presenters will be organized into groups based on topics. You will receive an e-mail containing the information and connection details of each session. Presenters will have 3 minutes each to talk and go through their poster. Alternatively, presenters can share their screen to show a 2-3 minute pre-recorded presentation of their work. Thereafter, time will be available for attendees to ask questions and/or exchange ideas and suggestions.
You can consult these instructions in detail at this URL: 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Instituto Cajal
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[name=Instituto Cajal] [img=] [description=Instituto propio de investigación en Neurociencia del CSIC. Se trata del centro de investigación neurobiológica más antiguo de España. Tiene su origen en el Laboratorio de Investigaciones Biológicas, fundado en 1900 con motivo de la concesión del 'Premio Moscú' a Santiago Ramón y Cajal en el XIII Congreso Internacional de Medicina de París.] (facebook=facebook= (twitter= (instagram= (youtube=